Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dad has left us - but not forever!

On Tuesday we had a care plan meeting at the nursing home with the staff and hospice.  Dad was there in his wheelchair.  The staff there is so sweet!  They wanted Daddy's input on their care for him.  He said a few words but couldn't seem to complete thoughts.  At one point he said he felt bad.  I think what he was saying was that he felt bad for being a bother.  Mom and him often felt that way but we told them over and over that they were not a bother at all!  When you love people, you care for them!
I had some things to do after the meeting but came back in the afternoon.  The Rempels and I have had a standing date to visit with Dad every Tuesday afternoon.  

When we entered the room, we noticed that there was a sudden change in him.  He was in a lot of pain and crying out.  The nurse came to give him more medication.  

Richard held Dad's hand for the hour as we visited.  When it was time for them to leave, Dad gave them the blessing  "The Lord bless you and keep you".  It is a blessing he gives out often.  Some days he can only get out the word "blessing...".  

Then he said to them "I will miss you."  
It was as if Dad knew he wouldn't be seeing them regularly on Tuesdays any longer.
I stayed for 3 hours, waiting for him to get comfortable.

Over the next few days, Dad continued to decline.  Rempels came to stay with him so I could go home to shower.  He had other visitors who came to talk with him also.  Dad had some very cherished friends!

I didn't get pictures of everyone who came and some others were out of town.  
But we are so grateful for all who have shown such love to my parents over the years!!

My husband was always so gentle and sweet with Dad.

I played some songs for him. 

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
look full in His wonderful face
and the things of this earth
will grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and grace.

He loved this song

I spent the last 2 nights with Dad.  I put the recliner right up next to his and held his hand all night long.  It really seemed to comfort him when he got anxious.

Our daughter, Jill, came to relieve me in the day so I could go home to shower.  
She took this photo of her holding his hands. 

On Saturday evening, my father took his last earthly breath.

He is more alive than ever now!
With Christ, which is far better!
He is laughing and rejoicing! 

 My 8 year old granddaughter is convinced he is doing flips!  
Out of that wheelchair for good!!

I wish I could peek in and see him as he was greeted by the Lord, and turned to see Mom, my brother, his siblings, parents and in-laws, fellow Japanese missionaries (12 have gone ahead of him), Japanese people that Dad led to the Lord, Peter the Apostle, and the list goes on and on and on!

On Facebook Jill wrote:
Tonight I said goodbye to my last remaining grandparent.  I feel both the loss of that layer of legacy and the blessing of that heritage.  It was a privilege to feel him squeeze my  hand as I sang hymns to him yesterday.

Sunday afternoon, Al and I went to the home to pack up his belongings.

I took the Japanese calendar off the wall.  He died one month shy of a year of when my mother passed away (Dec. 15, 2014)

Today is Tuesday. 
I got a reminder on my phone:  visit Dad