Saturday, March 26, 2016

Dude, perfect!

In March we celebrate Jill and Hannah's birthdays.

 I have friends who do an incredible job with decorating Pinterest Perfect!  Us?  Well, I just let Emeri decide what we should do.  No downloading of cute decor or going out and purchasing them.  We just dig through our decoration drawer and go with what we have!
 Emeri had a BLAST!!

As for Eli....

Emeri put a sign on the door from the garage where Jill's family always enters.

Hannah wanted brats and hamburgers for her dinner.

I also fixed sweet potato fries.
At Market Square in Fayetteville, they serve an awesome praline sauce with their fries.  I looked up a recipe and it was REALLY good to dip the fries in it!

Recipe for Praline Sauce:
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup half-and-half
1/2 cup butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Bring first 3 ingredients to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.  Cook 1 minute.  Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.  Serve warm.   Yummy!!

A dear friend stopped by to wish Jill a happy birthday!
We had a Dude Perfect themed party.
(Good sport, Jill!)

( I had no clue what Dude Perfect was, so Hannah had to inform me.  Keep reading...)
Because Hannah wanted an ice-cream cake and Claire is allergic to dairy products, she got her very own dairy-free "cake" with oreos and dairy-free ice-cream and dairy-free chocolate chips that were melted on top.

A microscope for the girl who LOVES science!

"35 reasons we love Aunt Jill"

 Each of the kids get a little gift from Nana.


We went downstairs to watch a couple of clips of the Dude Perfect guys.

 I must say that they are pretty impressive!

We went outside for some games of our own! 

Roll the ball down the hill into the bucket. 


        Perfect Party!

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