Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tulsa trip

Last year, the Voices of Zambia came to our church.  I wrote about them in another blogpost that you can see here.  Well, Oscar and Harold, who we sponsor, were back in the States once again.  The closest they would come to Kansas was Tulsa, Oklahoma.  That's only 3 hours away.  Al had the day off so off we went to see them!

How would you like to live so close to these??  Al says the center hub of these windmills is the size of a bus!

Man, you can really see the bug juice on the windshield!  Summer is fast approaching when you see that!

 Looks like there was a fire here!

 I always look forward to this lake as we enter Sand Springs.

We looked up on our smartphone where a good place to eat might be.  Found this place close to the church we were going to.


Technically, a yokozuna is a sumo wrestler with the highest rank in the sport.

But when I was a kid, Yokozuna was also the name of an American Polynesian sumo wrestler who my Dad and the rest of us really liked!  He weighed over 500 pounds!  Unstoppable in the sumo rink!

We ordered some Japanese food (was not quite as Japanese as I am used to but it was ok).   We could tell it was a popular place to be.
 After dinner, we drove the 5 minutes to the church where our boys were!
 Harold played the jimbe and Oscar is besides him.
Harold will be getting married in a couple of years (she needs to finish school).
Both boys are working at the International Bible school in Lusaka, Zambia now.
Blessings to these kids!

It was a late night getting home but so worth the trip.  We pulled off to stretch our legs for a little bit. After we got back on the road, we were detoured off.  There had been a fatal accident.  As I read up on it later, we both recognized right away who the driver was as we had passed this person who was driving so very slowly before we pulled off.  So sad.  And perhaps if we hadn't pulled off, we would have been involved in it.

This week I read this quote.  "Are we so earthly minded that we have lost the joy and peace that come with the anticipation of our  heavenly home?"  We must always be prepared.  What if I died today? One of the reasons we sponsor Gospelink is so the Gospel can go out, telling people about the Good News of the Gospel.  What hope we have!  The older I get the more I anticipate and yearn for Heaven!

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