Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day; flowers, bunnies and birds.

This May Day is quite a cool day!  This afternoon it is 52 degrees.  Not the 70 you would think May Day would bring.

We like to deliver May baskets on May Day.  Here is an old photo from 2011 when the grandkids delivered some May baskets to their great-grandparents.

In Sunday School, we made May baskets and I brought flowers from home to put in their baskets. I'm sad I didn't take pictures.   Here are some of the flowers I picked from around my house for those baskets along with some others that are growing too.


 I love the paddle plant (or flapjack plant - kalanchoe thyrsiflora)

The pods from our birch tree are falling all around.
looks like a worm!

This rose bush will be full of blooms soon!

The chive plant has cute pom-pom flowers - but it smells like onion, of course! 


 A few weeks ago, I took a picture outside my kitchen window of a bunny making a nest in the front yard.  She was so very busy!

And yesterday, there was a cute little bunny hopping around in my backyard!

The orioles arrived this week!

I know God loves the little sparrows, but they are a mess.
I'm glad God loves messes - messy people included!

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8

If you let them build nests in the purple martin house, I've read that they will attack the purple martins' eggs and even the mother or babies and can kill them.

So my husband faithfully has gotten rid of their nests.  Sparrow nests are made from dried vegetation.  It fills the whole box - amazing how fast that happens since Al tries to clean out their nest every 2-3 days!

Purple martins' nests are made of twigs, plants and mud so you can tell the difference.  Sorry, sparrow, find other places to build your nests!!

We have had beautiful sunrises this past month.

Happy May!

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed--and continue to enjoy -- your blog. Thought about you during the recent bad weather. Thank you for sharing glimpses of your life and faith
