Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hot springs of Colossae

After our time at Pamukkale, we went to Hotel Colossae. 

The floor plan of this hotel was absolutely confusing.  See all those red buildings on the right?  Those were where the rooms were.  There was no rhyme or reason on how to navigate getting to your room.  I got lost almost every time I went to my room.  The hallways went up and down and every which way!

But our room had a very nice view and I loved the birds singing outside!

As soon as we got to our room, Al went to bed.
He was so sick.

In American hotels, you will find a Bible in the
 drawer of the lightstand by your bed.
  In Turkey you find this, a different sort of book.

 There was time before dinner to go to the hot baths.
My next door neighbors went with me.

Linda and Deanna

Everyone had to wear swimming caps in these hot thermal baths.
We were told the water coming out of this water fall would be burning hot.
"How hot is it, Mike?" 
Luckily for him it wasn't scalding hot.

An exception to the cap rule is if you don't have any hair.

 There was another hot bath outside.

We stayed until bees began to swarm around us.  They were attracted to the slide area and one by one were getting closer and closer to us!  I got out of there pretty fast!

It was soon dinner time.  Al skipped dinner.  We saw this guy making these donut type sweets similar to biegnets and of course we decided we had to have these after the Turkish quisine served for supper!

When I got back to my room, Al was still fast asleep.
Sent a note to friends to pray for him.

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