Sunday, August 21, 2016

Kusadashi, Turkey

Back to blogging about our trip.  I know, it was 3 months ago.  Life has a way of keeping me from blogging about it.

On the way to Kusadashi, we pulled up beside an olive grove.

We had a lesson from Romans 11.

Did you know you essentially can not kill an olive tree? They live for thousands of years.  Even though the branches are empty with no fruit, and in fact the whole tree looks dead, the root is deep and alive and well. Pretty soon a new shoot of a branch will sprout and grow and bear much fruit.  Paul uses this analogy of us, a wild branch grafted onto an olive tree.  Even though all the branches around us appear dead, when we connect to the root (Christ) we grow and produce fruit.
This gas station had a modern bathroom with automatic sliding glass doors.
People always had to buy more snacky foods too! 
 What did you get Linda?  Share with me?

modern trains
 many highrise apartments
 and skyscrapers

 We drove to the Kusadashi Kismet hotel where we would be spending the next few nights.

Mary, our next door neighbor

 There was a wedding reception starting as we were settling in.

Our dining hall was just below theirs

 Rene and Lilli make friends with anyone and they got these boys from the reception to take pictures with them.
Needless to say, the Turkish people love their parties so for the 3rd time in Turkey, we tried to sleep to loud, blaring music.  I'm glad they could celebrate as we know they are having much turmoil in their country.

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