Monday, December 5, 2016

Andrew Peterson concert

We got home from Arkansas just in time to babysit our Kansas grandkids and then go to a concert at our church - Andrew Peterson in "Behold the Lamb of God."  It is his 17th Lamb of God tour.  We've attended several and just love it!  What a privilege to have him at our church!

We saw several "old" friends, like Evan, who was a classmate of our son's.  Jim, our kid's youth pastor back in the day, who lives in Denver now.  Also other families from Dallas and OKC came that we hadn't seen in a long time!

Jill Phillips, Jenny and Tyler, Andy Gullahorn, Ben Shive and others also performed.

A GREAT worship service!!  Preparing to celebrate the "birthday" of Christ!

Bennett, who is in my Sunday School class, sat just down the row from us and kept staring at me and also at our daughter, Jill.  Jill teaches piano to a couple of his siblings so is at his house weekly.  It just got rather comical.  Al said "He's smitten!"

Andrew Peterson mentioned that there are more slaves now than at any other time in history.  They showed this film and gave an opportunity to give money toward this cause to try to bring an end to slavery.  Please consider!

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