Sunday, January 15, 2017

An icy day

For about a week now, the meteorologists have been saying that we were going to have a major ice storm.  Prepare people!  There will be major power outages for a week!  Every night the weathermen would go on and on and on.  I guess they really wanted us to be prepared just in case.

 Grocery store shelves were emptied in anticipation.

 Ballgames for Saturday were cancelled.   We had planned to go to Sophia's ballgame and then babysit while dad and mom went out on a date.


Nothing happened on Saturday.  The weather system was coming in slower than anticipated.

Church services were cancelled and notifications were posted on tv and on Facebook.

Our church didn't cancel.  It never does unless there is a power outage.  But Children's ministries were cancelled.

Good thing since I have a cold.
Hate for the 3's to get it from me!

 I could hear the freezing rain during the night.

Would my trees survive?  I hoped so!  The 2005 storm damaged so many trees!

Well, the temperatures were warmer than the weathermen predicted. 
Streets were fine.  Only wet.  A little bit of icing but not what we were told would most likely happen.

Maybe a family was praying for warmer temperatures because they had a wedding yesterday.  An ice storm would have played havoc on a wedding!   Or perhaps someone needed to come to Kansas to visit an ailing father and they didn't need an ice storm to delay them.  Perhaps the higher temperatures was really an answer of prayer!

"In the day of trouble I will call upon You; for You will answer Me."  Psalm 86:7

The girls were disappointed because Jill had planned for roasting hotdogs in the fireplace if their electricity was out.  So, they decided to do it anyway!

We are just glad this turned out to be a non-event, so are relaxing a bit....

before the Packers game! 

(we look pretty pathetic - after a nap and no makeup!  The kids say I take the worst selfies and that I should have a blogpost with all my awful selfies.  Not too funny, making fun of old people!)

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