Saturday, January 7, 2017

Christmas happenings

The Christmas season seemed to go so fast for me this year since Haiti took up a week of the time.  I missed out on our children's program at church - the first time maybe EVER since we've attended our church!

But I was able to go to Sophia's program.
Claire was supposed to be in it too, but she didn't want to. 
She was a little verschroben (cranky)

Hannah has gotten too old for it, so it was only Sophia this year.
I LOVED how they put the words up on the screen using pictures the children had colored!

On the way home, we saw so many hawks!  They were on posts or in trees EVERY mile!

Can you find the hawk in this picture?

We went caroling with a group from church.
We divided up into many groups and took vans to sing.
It was VERY cold and most people invited us into their homes to sing.

There was soup and lots of treats at church afterwards!

I had a Christmas celebration with Japanese friends

My crèche from Haiti

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