Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter celebration!

We had the Graber Easter celebration yesterday with all who could come!

As usual, so much food!

Claire showing the "nests" Hannah made

After dinner, we had a little devotional using numbered eggs.  Inside each egg was something that depicted the love story of God for us.  It began with His creation and went through to His resurrection.

You can purchase Resurrection Eggs at most Christian bookstores.
I added a few more elements to it so put these in a basket.

"Baby Jesus" came

He bore the penalty of our sins on Himself!

Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

 Time for our Easter Egg hunt!  We decided to hide them in the basement -  it was really a great place with LOTS of hiding places!

The eggs were color coded.  Claire had pink; hers had non-dairy products in them.  Sophia's were green and Hannah's eggs were blue.  If they saw an egg that wasn't their color, they had to leave them be!

After the children found all their eggs, it was time for the grown-up hunt!

 We decided this year that we would each bring an item from home we didn't want anymore.  We numbered these items.

 Then we each searched for 1 egg.  Inside that egg was a number.

We would then pick the giveaway item that had the corresponding #.  It really was fun!

Time for the potato gun!

 They had been predicting storms - large hail and high winds for this afternoon, but it ended up a beautiful day! ( The storm hit during the nighttime hours.)

We would shoot the potatoes toward the pond.

See the purple martin flying?

They did not like us shooting off the "gun".
Al made sure not to shoot at them.  We love our purple martins!

The girls wanted to go across the creek and catch them.

So the guys aimed high.

Claire eating her "special" non-dairy chocolate.
She licked her fingers AND her elbow!


 The young-in-love


 And can it be that I should gain
An int'rest in the Savior's blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, should die for me?

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