Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Frank Lloyd Wright - the Allen House

Several years ago when we went to visit my brother in Pennsylvania, my parents, Allen and I stopped to visit Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house.  It was spectacular!
I would LOVE to live in that house!!

Did you know that we have a Frank Lloyd Wright house closeby in Wichita?
              It is located in the College Hill area.

I read in the paper that there was going to be a night of celebration for Frank Lloyd Wright's 150th birthday with live music and refreshments at this house.  I checked into it but tickets had sold out fast!  But there was another evening for a tour of the house. I thought actually this might be more informative and I was able to secure tickets for us.

He was commissioned by Elsie and Henry Allen in 1915.  Henry was a college dropout who became a successful newspaperman and also a two-term governor of Kansas, and United States Senator.
We arrived early so took a little walk around the property.

You can see his signature on the bottom of this flower pot.

The home cost $20,200 back in 1917 when it was completed.  The average home in College Hill at that time cost $6,000-$8,000.

We wondered about this little door.  During the tour, we learned it was how the ice man put a block of ice right into the icebox in the kitchen from the outside!  He would never have to step foot inside the house!

These round flower pots were made from crushed oyster shells and cement.
At the time he acepted the commission to do the Allen house, FLW was involved in designing the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

There were about 20 of us on the tour that evening.
The entrance to the home cannot be seen from the street.
They did not want an open invitation to solicitors.

The foyer.  Many visitors did not get invited beyond this point.  Sometimes refreshments were served here.

I need to mention that you are not allowed to take photos in the house.  So sad.  I did purchase a book of the house for keepsake, but most of the pictures on this blogpost are from online.

The dining room.  The table and chairs were designed by FLW.  To purchase a reproduction of this table would cost $300,000!

Here is the kitchen that is located close to the diningroom.
Meals were served either in the dining room or in bed.
The stove is not the original but similar to one they did have.

The cook, chauffeur and gardener would eat in the little kitchen nook.
The butler's pantry, which was designed as a buffer room so Mrs. Allen wouldn't have to hear the clatter of dishes, is on the right.

The living room.

Look at this lamp that Al made for us back in '78.  Sort of Frank Lloyd Wrightish, not?

The living room was 50 x 25.  The west side of the living room looks out onto the gardens.

 Mr. Allen's study.
The master bedroom.  Bedrooms were rather small.  I recall the bedrooms at Fallingwater being really small.  FLW felt that it wasn't necessary for bedrooms to be large.

I recall that on the Dick van Dyke show, Rob and Laura slept in twin beds because back then the censors did not allow couples on television to sleep in the same bed.

Because there was no air conditioning in the day, upper windows in the house allowed for cross ventilation.

 This is the exerior design of the home.
I drempt as a kid that I'd like to be an architect. 
 I used to spend hours designing homes. 
I did help design the home we live in now, 
so the dream came true somewhat, yes?

When we came to America, we actually had to design our own homes in a home ec class that I took.  I stumbled upon those plans recently.  Want to have a good laugh?

 Not only did we design our homes, we had to plan what cars, families, and animals we would have.
I planned for 5 children.  I did have a Joshua Michael (not Micheal) but not the other children.  And 3 children, not 5.  Although I did have miscarriages, and one day I will meet those babies too!

We do have a car and pickup but not yellow!
Oh, we did have a panelled station wagon once!

I do love cats (but 12??!!)  
Unfortunately, we have those who are allergic now...so no cats.

Early American furniture was the rage in the 70s.

Typewriter?  Dial phone?   

I would still like this.  I have a jet tub, but I would love an ofuro!

Our own garage is not quite so organized but we are planning to do that one day.

 It really is fun to plan homes, but in the end, it is just stuff.  

It can burn.

It can be uprooted by a tornado.

John 14:1-3
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 

Here's an oldie from Hank Williams that sums it up:

Around me many are building
Homes of beauty and wealth
But what of a home in heaven
Where will you live after death

Are you building a home in heaven
To live in when this life is o'er
Will you move to that beautiful city
And live with Christ ever more

Long is the road that leads you
To that beautiful home up there
Is work on your home completed
Death may be lingering near

Are you building a home in heaven
To live in when this life is o'er
Will you move to that beautiful city
And live with Christ ever more

Are you ready for his coming
Have you been true all along
Have you finished your building in glory
Will you move to this heavenly home

Are you building a home in heaven
To live in when this life is o'er
Will you move to that beautiful city
And live with Christ ever more

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