Monday, August 7, 2017

The girls' new home

After seeing Scuplture Park in Des Moines, we continued toward the girls' new home.  We crossed the beautiful farming country of Iowa.

Entering Wisconsin.

And a few hours later...

How HAPPY they were to see their mommy and daddy!!

The girls ran to see their new rooms...they were soooo excited!

They each have their own rooms!

And soon will paint and decorate to their taste.

That evening we ate out on their new deck.

 Jill and Adam had been unpacking many of their things.

The leaning tower of cardboard boxes!

Figuring out how to hang pictures.

The next day we went to the park in their city

"Nana!  A parasole!"
Didn't have the heart to tell her it's called a carousel ride.

This ride really whipped them around!  It went FAST!

Super fun zip line

They had canoes too and Jill promised Hannah that they would come back another time to do that.  And here is a photo of that!

The family will love living here!

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