Saturday, October 14, 2017

Children's Museum

It was a rainy day - a good day to go to the children's museum.

Al taught Hannah how to play the market. 
They both "made" money!

These girls are really good at being radio announcers.
Their daddy did that at college for the college radio station.

He even had a special code he'd use that only he and Jill knew that told Jill he loved her.

Banker Sophia

Can you lift your own weight? 

How about Papa's weight? 

They love being puppeteers!

I remember these old phones!  We used them when we would travel!  Now, I can't even imagine life without a cell phone!

It has not been that long ago!  I remember when our kids were in college they used them!  We had a card that they would punch in the numbers and it would charge us.

 May I take your order, sir?

How much would Papa tip? 
I wonder what the Lord has in store for these girls some day?
(when Hannah was little, she said "what God has in storage")  


Kids can't resist puddles!

Out to eat!
Culvers for the older ones.  Have you ever eaten at Culvers?  Oh my, so good!

 Claire wanted McDonalds so she could play in the play area.  Papa and her ate there.  Culvers and McD are within walking distance so when we were finished, we walked over.  Of course, the olders girls enjoyed the play area too!

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