Monday, November 6, 2017

Leaf lizards and hay monsters

For Eli's "friend party", we had a cook-out and hay ride!
There were hot dogs and chili (in a bowl or as chili-dogs), chips, and veggies too.  Eli didn't want to have veggies but he was over-ruled!

 Also cider, lemonade and hot-chocolate!  And of course, marshmallows!

 After gifts were opened, we climbed aboard the hay rack for a ride.  We had extra blankets for this chilly night.

While it grew darker Dan drove us through hillbilly country where some unsavory characters surely live, with pit bulls and other scary dogs chasing us.  We were told stories of a fellow named Farmer McCracken, and leaf lizards, hay monsters and land sharks.  I'm certain there were a few children who had nightmares this night!

 After everyone left and the grandchildren were put to bed, Dan and Lisa and Al and I sat around the fire for some time....

...keeping our eyes open for monsters!

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