Wednesday, November 1, 2017


 My grandson is a little nuts about Legos.
                           He just LOVES them!  And he also loves Star Wars.

On his birthday, we went to the store to get some balloons.

Eli wanted some white ones so that his daddy would make Star Wars storm troopers.

                                                                                                           Emeri helped.

While we were at the store, we had purchased a couple of pumpkins.

 Joby was watching and wishing he could be inside to help.

(The kids have several mice kept in the grandparents' basement.)

Have you heard the Pumpkin Prayer?
I found it on Pinterest.

cut open the top:
Lord, open my mind and fill me with Your wisdom

scoop out the inside:
Lord, take out all my sin and fill me with Your love

carve the eyes:
Lord, open my eyes to see Your glory

carve the nose:
Lord, let my life be a sweet aroma to You

carve the mouth:
Lord, help me to speak Your words
of truth and love

place candle inside:
Lord, fill me with Your light to shine
for all to see.

Eli, since he was the birthday boy, chose the restaurant.
He wanted to go to Tacos4Life, one of my favorites too! 
 Tacos4Life will donate the funds necessary to Feed My Starving Children to purchase one meal for every meal sold in the restaurant.
After our meal, we went home to open presents!

A fun card that made sounds of swords flashing!

I printed off this charaacter and put him on the package (instead of a girly bow)

 Like I said, he likes Star Wars! 

A gift for both kids (Emeri's birthday is 2 days later).
They got the "Gilligan's Island" series from a sweet, elderly friend.

After gifts were opened at home, we went next door to Grami and Bebop's home for a treasure hunt!

After following cleverly placed clues  all around the house, Elijah found his "treasure"!

 Allen loves to read to the children.  They picked out "Oliver Twist" and Al read that over the weekend.

 "Can you read it to me in my room so I can work on my Lego set?"

Lego-boy finished this in one day!  

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