Monday, November 6, 2017

Leaf lizards and hay monsters

For Eli's "friend party", we had a cook-out and hay ride!
There were hot dogs and chili (in a bowl or as chili-dogs), chips, and veggies too.  Eli didn't want to have veggies but he was over-ruled!

 Also cider, lemonade and hot-chocolate!  And of course, marshmallows!

 After gifts were opened, we climbed aboard the hay rack for a ride.  We had extra blankets for this chilly night.

While it grew darker Dan drove us through hillbilly country where some unsavory characters surely live, with pit bulls and other scary dogs chasing us.  We were told stories of a fellow named Farmer McCracken, and leaf lizards, hay monsters and land sharks.  I'm certain there were a few children who had nightmares this night!

 After everyone left and the grandchildren were put to bed, Dan and Lisa and Al and I sat around the fire for some time....

...keeping our eyes open for monsters!

Emeri turns 10

Papa helping Emeri with her homework.

Emeri was leaving the single digit days behind.  She turned

Her mom had written her a letter, as she has each year.  

Brother gave her a box within a box...  

He knew just what she wanted!

Gift from us

She has been planning to paint her room blue and we bought the chair to match

Next we went next door to Grami and Bebop's for the gift from them and her parents.  First, a little treasure hunt.

Some clues were easier to find than others.

Oh boy, oh boy!

Happy birthday, Emeri!

 We had a wonderful time in Arkansas, celebrating birthdays with the grandchildren.  Time to go home!
Silly waves!
 We made a stop on the way home to see Uncle Bill and Aunt Betty (my Dad's youngest sister and only remaining aunt on my Dad's side of the family).  They live in the boonies!
So good to see them!!

Betty is the little girl.

In their younger years

Family is so dear.  This past month, we made it to Wisconsin, Colorado and Arkansas to visit each kid and their family.  So grateful that we are able to do this!