Monday, February 19, 2018

Fun with the Wisconsin family

The girls still had school to attend while we were visiting there.  

Have a good day, girls!   My blessing to them as they walked out the door.  
May the words of your mouth and the meditation of your hearts be acceptable in His sight.
 -  from Psalm 19:14

Snuggles with Claire before she has to leave for preschool.

Claire has school in the morning only so she went shopping with her momma and me and her baby Rose.  I told her that one of my best friends growing up was named Rosie!

Here is a picture of me in 3rd grade - 3rd from right in front row and Rosie is beside me.  This was a school program at our one room missionary school.

Play time after school.  There is a tiny hill behind their house they can sled down.  And make snow angels.  The girls LOVE snow!  Not having it here in Kansas, so good thing they are in Wisconsin!
 The real fun was sledding down this big hill in a park close by!!

Claire plowed into a boy on her way down once and she said "I don't want to ever ride by myself again!"

It snowed off and on while we were there.  Al helped shovel the sidewalk.  Each day joggers and dog walkers come by.  Wisconsin people have no idea that it is too cold to do that!


Homework with Papa's help  - check out the photo bomber!
 Saturday morning fun with Papa

And because I had taken Claire shopping, I had to go with the big girls too!  They love being silly.

Sunday morning we went to church.  There was a baptism that was so very sweet.
My emotions were all over the place, so thankful for the Lord's work in their lives!

Sunday afternoon, we went to see Hannah in a school play "Shrek"

She was Shrek's mother

and a few other characters too. 

We were able to watch some of the Olympics too while we were there.  Most of it was after Clair's bed time but the other girls were able to watch a couple hours.

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