Thursday, October 18, 2018

Visiting my Japan "family"

Living close to my uncles are 2 missionary families I knew in Japan.  They were co-workers with my parents.

I first stopped to see "Uncle" Carl and "Aunt" Sandy.

I first met them when we went to Japan together on the Brazil Maru in 1963.   Do you like how my mother dressed us all alike?  Ha!
We just thought this new missionary couple was something else!
かっこいい (KAKKOII)  "cool" "great"
"Aunt" Sandy was so pretty and one day, we had the gall to go to their cabin when they were out and try out her lipstick.  She doesn't remember it and I'm glad.  My mother gave us a licking!!

They are the couple on the right.  Our missions nurse is the far right but next to her.   My parents are on the left, next to Leonore Friesen, who was single until age 60 when she got married at the church Al and I attend now!

 After a too-short visit, I went a few blocks to see "Aunt" Alice Ruth.

Here we are in 1961.
Rosie, Joy (her daughter), me and Alice Ruth.

Uncle Bob has passed away.  I was so sad not to make it back to Ohio to see him.  My parents and I visited with them both once, but I had hoped to go again.  It just didn't work out.  Here they are in Japan with Mark, Joy and baby Sue.  Sue and her son were also there that day I visited!

 I drove back to Uncle Wally's for the night.  I was going back to Kansas the next day.

 But first....

 I HAD to go on this road toward the church.  There is a little hill (okay, "bump") that my Dad always drove real fast over so we would get tickles in our tummy.  Of course, I had to do that for memory sake!!


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