Friday, November 23, 2018

A new road

After our visit at House on the Rock, we went north toward Spring Green to pick up Highway 60.  We stopped to see this historical marker.

We decided to check this place out so we pulled in and drove around the area.

We got onto Highway 60 and headed east.  I didn't get a good picture of it, but the land around us was marshy.

"Look!  Cranes!" Al pointed them out.  
We should have stopped so I could have pulled out my zoom lens!
Most of these roads didn't have a place to pull off though.

 A huge nest.  Eagle perhaps?
 A scenic drive

 We spotted a few deer along the way.

This combine was spitting out a lot of chaff.
And you notice the no-passing zone?
 Busy farmers

 We highly recommend taking the off roads to sight see, instead of always being in a hurry on the interstate!

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