Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Saturday morning, Jason and Mindy said their good-byes as they needed to get back to their home.  We had a relaxing day.

It was such a COLD week here in Kansas.
This winter has seemed colder than normal.

 In the evening, we fixed sukiyaki.

The kids like to pick out their own chopstick rests - hashioki.
I have various styles to choose from.  Here are a few of them.
Aren't they fun?

We don't serve sukiyaki in a formal, Japanese way, with multiple dishes.  The kids just prefer to put the sukiyaki on top of their rice so we just put it all in one bowl.  It probably would not be acceptable in Japan, but here in our home, it's just fine.  I am not fussy about it.  
 And we don't do the raw egg.  I actually LOVE the raw egg with it, but eggs in the States are not too safe.  I got salmonella poisoning once and so I don't do it anymore!

                                          This girl!  Goodness!
                                          We must learn manners!

After the children went to bed, we had a wonderful time just talking and talking, and laughing together.  A precious time!

On Sunday morning, we drove to Hillsboro, where Adam used to be the pastor.  

Adam was asked to speak a few words.
The pastor was visiting a new church plant, so our worship pastor from our church in Newton had come to lead worship and preach.  

After church, Josh's were going to leave to go back to Arkansas, so we went to Pizza Hut for lunch before they were going to leave.

Emeri realized that she had left her glasses back at our home, so instead of heading back to Arkansas via 77, they came back to Newton first.  One last cousin time!!
Adam took Hannah and Claire to the "puppy store".
They used to go quite often when they lived here.

The girls have begged for a puppy, but Adam and Jill are not pet people.

Macho Men

Braum's for supper!  No Braum's in Wisconsin.  But then, we don't have a Culver's here, so when we go there, we have to go to Culver's!

The sunset was spectacular!

The next morning, Jill's family left for their home.  What a wonderful time we had had with our family!  And now, it is just we 2 "old" people alone again.  


Come visit us again, kids!

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