Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Going Up

I'd been home less than a week and it was time once again to head back up to Wisconsin.  This trip had been planned for some time, ever since Hannah got a lead role in the play, "Aladdin".  Of course, you just do what you have to do as a grandparent.  What you WANT to do!  Even if it means driving 12 hours!  We thank the Lord that we are healthy enough to be traveling as we do.
Usually when going to Wisconsin, we leave before the sun is up.  But, we had a stop to make in Hillsboro to pick up some Dale's sausage and the grocers did not open until 8.

This is such a sweet, little town.  Sure do miss having our kids living there!

The kids fell in love with Dale's sausage when they lived here and we try to take some to them when we go up.  If you've never had rope sausage like this, you have to try it!  They do sell it in Wichita at a couple of places too.

Leaving Hillsboro, we drove through some Flinthill country.  Kansas is so beautiful!!
As we were driving, I noticed the car slowly veering off to the left onto the shoulder.  "Al!  Are you asleep?"  Yup.   That was happening.  When we got to KC, we stopped for some coffee.

Al needed a caffeine fix.

Iowa had had an ice storm the day before and we came across an overturned semi and several cars in the ditches.  One had slid down a deep ravine.  That had to be scary!

We were glad we were driving Friday instead of the day before!
We were grateful for His hand on us and for safety in traveling.

Crossing the Mississippi into -

It was getting dark when we drove by our landmark barn.

We arrived at the kids' by 8:00.  They were all at the Friday night performance of "Aladdin".  We unpacked and it wasn't long before they arrived home.  We were excited for the weekend!

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