Wednesday, February 6, 2019

When things go wrong

On Tuesday, the girls were able to go to school.  

Claire just loved climbing the mounds of snow after school 
while we waited for Sophia as she did crossing guard. 

Before I took the girls to school, I had had my devotions.  A couple of verses that I had read were "Do not fret...Trust in the Lord" and then later "Be anxious for nothing"  and "God is in your midst".  His presence was to be a constant calm in me.

I guess I needed that reminder because there was much to fret over that day!  First off, the internet was down.

Do not fret.

When I took the girls to school, I dropped Hannah off and then Sophia was showing me how to get to her school a different way than I had done before.  I didn't know the street to turn on until it was too late.  I couldn't slam on my brakes because the car would skid on the snowy roads.  So we took the next road, but boy, it got us a little lost!

Do not fret.

Good thing for GPS on my phone!  It got us to their school just before the 2nd bell and they weren't tardy.  

When I got back to the house, I wanted to work on some sewing for Dress A Girl but the sewing machine was acting up and  bunching up!  

Do not fret.

I called my husband in Kansas and Allen helped me figure out how to get the internet up and running.  Then I downloaded the instruction manual to Jill's sewing machine and was able to fix the situation and sew the dresses.

 Claire wanted me to come have lunch with her.  She told me she'd like Arbys and that it was located by Culver's.  Well, she didn't know that it was at the location clear on the other side of town.  I had only allowed time to run to the Culver's location close by.  When I went to look on-line where exactly it was, I realized the oops and that I wouldn't have time to run to Arby's.  Sorry, Claire!  But she was just happy to have Nana come for lunch and didn't mind the Culver's.

Do not fret.

I went to the school and parked where I normally do, thinking I could go in the door I usually pick them up at.  It was locked!  Where do I go in?  It was the wrong door for during the day.  I found the right door but it was a little distance - not bad, but considering the COLD - not so fun.

Do not fret.

When I had gone to have lunch with Claire, the garage door wouldn't come down!  After calling Adam, I did as he suggested and it came down.  But later, when I went to pick up the girls, it again would NOT come down, no matter what.  So, he had me bring it down manually (I had to climb up on a chair to reach the door to slide it down.  Not easy for a 63 year old!).  He was able to get someone from church to come help fix it later.

Do not fret.

After school, when we got home, I thought Claire looked a little peak-ed.  I felt her and she was running a fever.

Do not fret.

Then that day, I also got news from dear friends in California that he had cancer, stage 4.  My heart is just broken.  Then I thought, there really is no reason to fret or be anxious.  The Lord is near.  He is in our midst.  Ever present.  I thought of a devotional from Anne Graham Lotz and it rings so true to me.  
The Narthex to Eternity
“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”  John 17:3, NIV

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Westminster Abbey in London. It is a grand cathedral where many of the kings and dignitaries of England are buried, and where the kings and queens receive their coronation. The narthex is small, dark, and cramped—just a brief space to pass through between the outside door and the door leading into the cathedral itself. I can’t imagine anyone visiting the abbey and being satisfied to stay in the narthex. I also can’t imagine anyone who would make an enormous effort to stay there with no thought to passing through to the glory of what lies beyond.
Your life and mine here on earth is like the narthex to a grand cathedral. Our lives are simply an area to pass through on our way to the glory of eternal life that lies beyond the door of death. Physical death for a believer is simply a transition into real life. And it’s God’s purpose that you and I live forever—with Him.  - From the book "My Heart’s Cry"
Some of us have already purchased the ticket and are just waiting for the door to open to that very beautiful cathedral!

                                              Do not fret.

Frankly, I was ready for Tuesday to be done.  What would the rest of the week bring?

                                              Do not fret.

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