Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Wrapping up Washington Island

With Jill as our guide, we finished touring Washington Island.

 Oh yes!  Let's stop here!!

Our next stop was the Trinity Lutheran Stavkirke, a replica of an ancient Borgund, Norway stave church.  A stave church is a medieval wooden Christian church building once common in north-western Europe.  (I had to look that up)

The pastor

 There was a guest book and earlier that day a newlywed couple from Kansas had also seen the church!
At Schoolhouse Beach, I saw a couple and had told Jill "I bet they are on their honeymoon."  Her ring was quite shiny and they just had that special look about them!  Perhaps it was this same couple!

There was a prayer path that we could take back to the car and Claire wanted to go on it so the two of us did that.

 Look, Nana!  A cross like one Jesus died on!

Our last stop was a lookout tower.
We had to climb lots of steps!

And then some more! 

 and then climb down many steps.

We got to the ferry a little early so we wouldn't be left on the island overnight!
I don't know what would happen if you miss the ferry.  
I suppose you'd have to find accomodations!
 All tuckered out!

But Claire was not too tired to celebrate her birthday!  She had been waiting in anticipation!  Hannah decorated the cake while Claire took a bath.

Sophia hung up streamers and balloons.

Happy birthday, 7 year old!!

Sophie helped Claire put the horse barn together. 

Later in the evening, we worked on this puzzle  It was a picture of driftwood and quite a challenge.

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