Thursday, August 1, 2019

Between trips

We had left Wisconsin early because we had tickets to the Symphony in the Flint Hills.  We were really looking forward to going.  BUT ... a windstorm came through and destroyed several tents and for the first time, the event was cancelled.  We were so sad.  We will have to try another year.
Image result for symphony in the flint hills

If we had only known, we would have stayed with the kids a little longer as the family sang together at church and we would have loved to have worshiped with them.

The family went to Ohio to pick up their new puppy!!  His name is Kobi, shortened from the Japanese word Yorokobi, or Joy.    Isn't he just sticking cute?!

I finished working on genealogy books for the children and nieces and nephew.  What a project.  Months and months of work!  Such interesting stories from our past.  One of our relatives died in prison in Switzerland for his anabaptist faith, back in the early 1600's.

My grandfather's family and grandmother's families along with my husband's families are all inter-related.  We are almost a bushy bush, instead of a family tree!  Names are repeated in each of our families over and over.  Al says that if we were dogs, we would be purebreads and quite expensive!

Psalm 145:4

 One generation will praise your deeds to another,

    and tell about your mighty acts!

The Worship pastor at church and I have worked on a prayer room.  For the longest time, there just was no space, but after much prayer, somehow there was a solution!  Each week, during each of the services, there are people who come to pray for the service, for the people, the pastors, elders, the childen in the nursery and in Sunday School, youth group, the nation....  It is quite amazing how fast the hour goes!  I LOVE this precious time!

Sweet hour of prayer 
Sweet hour of prayer 
That calls me from a world of care
And bids me at my Father's throne 
Make all my wants and wishes known 
In seasons of distress and grief 
My soul has often found relief 
And oft escaped the tempter's snare 
By Thy return, sweet hour of prayer

We have a board for requests and also a bulletin board where we post answers to prayer.   We can call to Him in our distress.  Our cries come before Him, into His ears.  Psalm 18:6

Our family had a get-together.  Al's sister, Julie is moving away and we have enjoyed getting together when we can.  It won't be quite as easy any more.  But she is close to her children, and that is good!

One evening the sky was just incredible to look at!!  I have to say, I love clouds!!
"It is He who made the earth by His power.  Who established the world by His wisdom.  And by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.  When He utters His voice, there is tumult of waters in the heavens, and He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth."  Jeremiah 10:12,13

My Bible study group - during the summer we meet every other week at a coffee shop.  
One of the ladies brought her granddaughter one day.

Then the other week we meet to sew dresses for Dress A Girl Around the World.
 Here is one that was finished recently.

Author, Deb Raney, came to town and gave a short talk about her new book.

 If you've not discovered this author, you have to read her books!  Her newest.
Deb's mother used to be in our Bible study many years ago, which is how I got to know about her.

 A dear friend and brother-in-Christ went  home to be with the Lord.  Dear sweet Carolyn used to be part of our Bible study until they moved back to California.
Image may contain: Rich Dewey and Carolyn Mayberry Dewey, people smiling, outdoor

Rich was such a generous and kind man.  He could play the piano like no one's business!!  And now he is in the Lord's presence!  Until we meet again, Rich!

And then, it was time to pack my suitcase again, because we were on another road trip.....

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