Thursday, August 22, 2019

George Washington Carver's memorial

So many times we have driven by the sign for the George Washington Carver National Monument but we had never taken the time to go see it.

We decided it was the day to do it.  We had no reason to hurry home.

 I remember hearing about him when I was in the 3rd grade when we read about him in our Weekly Reader at school.  I just really only remembered that he invented so many uses for the peanut.  But there was a lot more to him!  We began by watching a short movie and then toured around the museum.

 He began his life as a slave child.

Slaves were freed during his lifetime and he wanted to learn all he could.  He walked miles to find a school/college.

 He was a godly man.  There is his Bible!


 A model of what his lab looked like at his college.

There was a trail we could walk around to see where he grew up.  This plot is where the slave cabin was where he was born.  The cabin no longer exists, but it is the place.


The Moses Carver home

 The trail ended at the graveyard of the Carver family.

 There were several plots for small children and babies.

We were so glad to have gone out of the way to see this place!

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