Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cousins' Week: Goodness and Mercy; and Artists

After our morning at the zoo and lunch at Freddy's, we had our lesson from Psalm 23.

                  Surely goodness and mercy 
                     shall follow me
                           all the days of my life,
                 and I shall dwell in the 
                          house of the Lord

God is kind.  His loyal love will pursue us.    He IS good!
   We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

What if daddy is to lose his job?  Or dies?  What if there is no money to pay bills?  Or friends are mean?  Do mercy and goodness still follow us?

Yes!  All things work together for our good - He always wants what is best for us, even if it means going through difficult things.

We watched a movie about sheepdogs, who like goodness and mercy, pursue the sheep.
Image result for sheepdogs at work

While our own "sheepdog", Kobi, slept among the sheep, we spent much of the afternoon painting.


 Hannah and Emeri did Bob Ross paintings.


 Shepherd Allen got into a wrestling match with his sheep and sheepdog.


We took the kids to see our local artist, Phil Epp's work.

I love cloud pictures and I especially love his paintings of clouds!  This is called Blue Sky Sculpture.  Phil Epp painted it.  Ceramists were Terry Corbett and Conrad Snider.

Here is a sample painting of his.
Image result for phil epp paintings\

He does have his paintings for sale that you can find on-line!  Maybe some day!  In the meantime, I will enjoy my grandchildren's paintings!

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