Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Going Home for a Wedding!

Our last evening in Wisconsin, we decided to go out to eat.  Hannah had school activities and was not able to come.

We looked through baby photos with Sophia and Claire.  

Sophia at age 2!
Claire:  Look, I'm beside myself!

The next morning we said our good-byes.

After dropping Claire off  at school, we made a run to Starbucks and then hit the road for an all-dayer.

We splurged at DQ on a peanut buster parfait that we shared.

The waters were beginning to recede in KC

There was a downpour on 70 between KC and Lawrence

We called Al's sister who recently moved to Lawrence to ask if she'd like to go out to dinner.
When we got to her place, we saw this beautiful rainbow!

We would have stayed in Wisconsin longer, except that our dear friends' daughter was getting married!

 People highlighted their favorite passages.

Such a beautiful wedding!!

When we were neighbors many years ago, and Hannah was just 3 or 4, she used to come over to play "Pretty Pretty Princess" with Mr. Allen.  He also taught her how to twirl a baton!
Congratulations, Hannah and Matt!

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