Saturday, October 19, 2019

New Friend, Waiting on God

Have you ever used Our Daily Bread?  I grew up with my parents reading this at the dinner table after we finished eating.  And here I am, 64 years of age, and still reading it daily!  You can either get an app on your phone, a podcast version, or receive the printed devotional in the mail.  Click here.  It is free! (Although they are always willing to take donations, which I do just because I LOVE them and it has been so beneficial to me over the years!)  Our church orders multiple copies for people to pick up.  

A while back, my daughter told me that a new couple who had moved from California began coming to their church. 
 And because Jill knows I read Our Daily Bread, she told me that the wife is one of the writers for Our Daily Bread!  I recognized her name right away, because it is so unusual!  Xochitl Dixon.  Dixon isn't so unusual, but how does one pronounce the first name?  Jill was told "so she", like "so she went to the store."

Jill told me that she and Xochitl had planned to go out to lunch together and that I was also invited.  I was excited to meet this new friend of Jill's! 

When we went to pick her up, we saw her service dog in the window. 

Xochitl lives with chronic pain issues but in spite of this, she has such a joyful spirit about her.  Don't you see it in her eyes?  Her love for the Lord overrides the struggles.
We ate at Panera.  Callie sat obediently by her side.

We visited for a long time.  How I loved listenting to her!  And she asked me my story.  What a wonderful time making a new friend!  We weren't ready for the visit to end.

Xochitl said we should find another spot for some dessert.  (Do you know how to differentiate between dessert and desert?  Dessert has 2 "s's" and you WANT  2 helpings of dessert!  Tip from my granddaughter, Sophia.)

Ala Roma Pizzeria carries Cheesecake Factory cheesecake!

Xochitl is also the author of a recently published book called "Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God's Plan and Pace".

Both my daughter and son-in-law were asked to write a review for book.

The book is available on-line or at bookstores!  I got one of the first copies from Our Daily Bread! She is also going to be serving with Our Daily Bread Ministries film department as they launch a new outreach ministry, short video devotions!  

I loved this bag she carried.  It speaks truth! 

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