Friday, November 29, 2019

Reagan Library, cont.

At the library, there is a replica of the Oval Office, down to the detail.

You can watch this video to hear about the desk and about this office.

We played an interactive game about the place settings the various presidents had.

I find this hilarious!

Fire engines stood at the ready.  There were still fires around.

There were jelly beans on the desk, which he loved!

Attached to the wall were a pair of phones on board - a white one for non-secure calls and a beige one for secure calls.  

(I remember telling my youngest granddaughter that we use to have phones that were attached to the wall and she was flabbergasted!  "MOM!!  Nana says you used to have phones that were attached to the wall!"  Yup.  And in our kitchen, the cord could be strung out about 15 feet so we could get around while talking to someone!)

We boarded the helicopter used to deliver the president to the lawn of the White House.

We took a lunch break then continued the tour.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

 The air was still a little smokey.

Burial spot.

Included at the library was a section about past Egyptian civilization.

 Doesn't this make you think about the golden calf that the Israelites had made?  Exodus 32

This statue was VERY tall!  20 feet perhaps?

Late 1st century black granite priest "wearing a vase containing Osiris, whose cult developed among the Romans.  The expression on his face is a complex mixture of tenderness, fervour and fear."

What a visit!!  Thank you, Carolyn, for taking us!!  LOVED it!

That evening, some of Carolyn's family came over for dinner out on the patio.  We were so happy to meet them.  We had met some of them when they lived in Newton, next door to Rich and Carolyn, but was good to meet the others and to listen as they reminisced of times past.  We laughed and had such a good time!

After the family left and dishes were done, we visited again till late at night.  Oh, Carolyn, as I write this a few weeks later, how I cherish the time we had together!!

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