Monday, November 25, 2019

Resting place

I woke up early, 5 AM.  I was not adjusted to California time!  But Kansas time it was 7 AM  so in reality, I had slept in!  I rarely sleep that late!!   It would be some time before Carolyn woke up but I had a most precious time with the Lord reading and also listening to a series on prayer called Practical Prayer by Dick Eastman.

When the others woke up, we had breakfast.  Then Marilyn sat down at Rich's piano and began to play.

Carolyn then took us on a drive to see the cemetery where Rich is buried.  We passed farm country on the way.  Al's dad would have LOVED to have seen this!  So unlike Kansas farming.

Smoke from fires in the background

They had put down the marker!   Carolyn had not seen it down before.  I was so glad that we could be so blessed to see it!

 There was a lady who brings her mother weekly to visit her husband's resting place who took our picture.

 And we did a selfie too.
 "Now we do not want you to be uninformed, believers, about those who are asleep [in death], so that you will not grieve [for them] as the others do who have no hope [beyond this present life]."  1 Thessolonians 4:13

Although this may be where Rich's body is, his resting place, Rich is not dead.  He is alive!  
As Dwight L. Moody once said:

Someday you will read in the papers that Moody is dead.   Don't you believe a word of it. At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now."

 I heard taps being played and went to see.  Proud of our military!

As we left, we could see the charred hills from the fires.

Carolyn drove us around to see the homes they used to live in when they were raising their boys.

Carolyn was disappointed to see their house like this.  I guess it had been "dressed up" for Halloween.

 She also drove us by her boys' schools.  Then we decided to go to the movies!

 We shed our fair share of tears.

That evening after supper, we talked and talked and talked once again.  Carolyn asked about all her friends back in Kansas.  Marilyn suggested that we all have a 2nd scoop of ice-cream!  All this talking was making her hungry.  We obliged!!

This was one of the verses I had read this morning; my prayer for Carolyn.

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