Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday morning in Arkansas

Eli was playing the piano

while Emeri help fix breakfast.


We went to our kids' church.  It was just what we were talking about in our Bible study!

 Josh played on the worship team - hammer dulcimer and accordian

 After church, we went back to the house to wait for Josh, as he had 2nd service to do yet.

 When he came home, we went out to eat.  Elijah picked the restaurant as it was his birthday.


Back home, Eli opened gifts from the family.

 Eli was needing a new sword so he could have a sword fight with Papa.  His other sword busted.

 These magnets from his cousins were a hit!

Then we needed to get home as Al had work the next day.  Good-bye Arkanasas - for a couple of weeks anyway.

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