Thursday, March 19, 2020

A full Saturday in Wisconsin!

Saturday was such a BIG day, filled with activities!  In the morning, I went to Jill's church to attend the first session of their women's Awaken conference for area wide women.  

Before it began, I HAD to visit with a friend, Xochitl Dixon, who attends our daughter's church.

Xochitl, or Xochi (pronounced "so-she") was at her book table, promoting her book, "Waiting for God."  You can purchase it in bookstores or online.  See her service dog, Callie, at her feet?


You can click on some information about Xochitl here.  She is also one of the authors of the daily devotional book "The Daily Bread."  I have read that devotional booklet since I was a little kid!  You can receive your free monthly copy in the mail!  Click here! Of course, you can give a donation too!

She is great at taking selfies.  I pretty much stink at it!!  
Seriously!!  My arms are too short!  Case in point:

Then Xochi took a picture of Jill and me.

 Jill was really busy with last minute details.

Cheri Wagner was their speaker and Jill introduced her as they knew one another from school at Moody and she is a good friend of Adam's sister.  She was an incredible speaker and I was sad to only be able to listen to one session!!  I want to purchase her Bible study books!

The MOST important thing we can do is walk hand in hand with our Saviour - each day!  Imitate Him!  Follow Him!

I was sad to have to leave after session 1 and not get to go to the workshops, but Allen and I were going to a high school music contest in OshKosh to listen to Hannah, our granddaughter, sing!  We met Adam's parents there too.

Hannah and her fun friends!

Hannah got a 1* in all her events!!  She would be able to go to State!  (except now, with the Corona virus, that won't happen.  Sadness.)

When we got home from the concert, there was just a little time to play Barbies with Claire.  Papa had spent the morning playing Barbies with her and now it was my turn!  She had a new grocery set.  Of course, if we were playing with it today, we might say things like "I need to be sure to go when there aren't a lot of people!  Stay 3 feet away!  I need to make sure I use wipes or wash my hands after.  I need a roll of toilet paper.  There's none!"

Adam and Jill were busy at church with cleanup, so we took the girls to Culvers, because when you are in Culver's country, you just have to!!

In the evening it was time to go to see Sophia in the play "Frozen".  (Again, grateful this took place at the start of the month, and not now, when the Corona virus has made cancellations of these things.)

 Claire enjoyed playing with my phone.

"Let it go!"

Sophia's character was Oaken (there weren't enough boys who wanted to do the play so they had to change some roles) and she did a great job!!  She has a beautiful voice!

This one is fuzzy but at least you can hear it.  (from another phone that isn't compatible with mine I guess)

 Hannah and her friends had sat in the front row and when Sophia  came out to give a bow at the end, these kids jumped to their feet and cheered!

When we got home, we were ready to crash on the guest bed!!!

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