Friday, March 13, 2020

Going to Wisconsin before the Corona

At the beginning of this month we headed off to Wisconsin.  Had the corona virus, which has brought a screeching HALT to our world, happened just 2 weeks earlier, we wouldn't have gone, as Hannah's concert and Sophia's play would have been cancelled, as well as the ladies' conference at their church!  When we went, the corona virus was just hitting New York and a 2nd death had been reported in Washington state. 

As usual, we were looking for a route we had never taken before.  We love to see parts of the States we've not seen before!  We first headed out for Hillsboro.  We had to stop at Dale's for some Hillsboro sausage to take to the kids!  We all LOVE rope sausage!!

The morning we left, I had read from James 4:14  "You do not even know what will happen tomorrow."  So true.  We do not know what a day will bring, but one thing I can be sure of is God's presence and care.  We could plan to be with the kids this week, but as much as we travel, it is His goodness that has kept us from a bad wreck.  But if it were to happen and we were to be killed, we would be with Him!  (We aren't afraid if the corona gets us!  We are elderly, I guess, by definition, being over 60, so we are "at risk".)  Al says "Our troubles would be over."  If you fear death, you need Christ!!  You might read "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn or "All Things New" by John Eldridge who explain what the Bible says about life after death.  It will NOT be boring!!!

I'd also read from Psalm 42.  "He is the help of my countenance."  You can so often tell a person's plight, distress or joy by their countenance.  And when one is at peace with the Lord, it is written on their face!

 When we got to Emporia, we pulled in at Starbucks for some coffee.  Alas, the countenance on our faces fell (ha!) because it was closed!

Emporia had experienced river water contaminating the water treatment system so Starbucks was shut!!  We ended up getting a bottled cold brew from the gas station.

A few miles past Lebo we headed north on 75.  We had never been on this highway before.  It is the one highlighted in yellow that runs through Topeka.  (The road highlighted coming through Lawrence is the one we came back from Wisconsin on.)

 We enjoyed going through small towns.

 I'd love to know the history of this log house!

 We ran into rain.  It helps to have Rain-Go on your windshield!

 What a cool church steeple!

An idyllic place to live!

There are 2 Indian reservations in NE Kansas.
The Potawatomi and the Kickapoo.
There are also 2 large casinos there.
We are not gamblers so we didn't stop.

 Seemed like a deserted farm house, except there is a satellite dish there.

 We got out to stretch our legs and read the sign.  What history there is here!!


The sky was just beautiful!

 Interesting architecture.

 A sad windmill.

Anybody want to buy a church?

 The point of crossing the Missouri we decided would be at Plattsmouth, not going as far as Omaha.  I was curious about the toll bridge there.

We followed a very winding road through Plattsmouth, then arrived at the bridge just before dark.  I didn't get a good picture of it, so here is one I found on-line.  There was an elderly gentleman who was at the toll booth.

When we told him we purposely came here to cross this bridge, he gave us a little history about it.  The bridge was built in 1929, replacing a ferry that previously operated at the site.  

Here is a 1929 Roadster to give an idea of what kind of vehicles crossed on this bridge when it was new.

The bridge has clearance of 14 feet 5 inches and a width of 20 feet.  Pretty narrow, so it limits who can drive on it.

The toll booth worker said he would be working until 10PM when someone else would come on duty.  The toll was $1.75.

Crossing the Missouri River into Iowa.

 It was dark by now and what we saw were hundreds - literally - hundreds of windmills dotting the landscape, their red lights blinking off and on.  I looked it up and found out there are 5 counties here in Iowa that together in total have about 1000 windmills!  We passed a rest stop that had a windmill blade stuck in the ground as a decoration piece.  It was dark when we drove by and it was across on the other side of highway 80, but I did find this picture.  Pretty impressive!

Before we got to West Des Moines, where we would be spending the night, we pulled off on a country road to see the stars.  There was no light pollution here!!  
(My friend Maritza took this photo!  Isn't it spectacular?!  I need her to teach me how to do this!  Incidentally, when I asked her if I could post this, she said "You don't need to give credit.  Just give God credit.  It's His beautiful work."  Thank you, Maritza!  )

Isaiah 40:26 New International Version (NIV)

 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:
    Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one
    and calls forth each of them by name.
Because of His great power and mighty strength,
    not one of them is missing.
There is a song written by Rich Mullins called Step by Step.  One verse says 
"Sometimes I think of Abraham
How one star he saw had been lit for me."
What a thought!  

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