Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter weekend, part 1

Easter during the pandemic - quite a different kind of Easter celebration.  No one to invite over; at least not in person.

On  Good Friday evening, we tuned in to our daughter's church service, given from their home.  

 Our granddaughters helped with the worship time.

On Saturday, a friend brought over some resurrection rolls!  Do you know what those are?  They are baked with a marshmallow inside of them.  When baked, the marshmallow melts, leaving an empty hole in the middle, empty like the grave. Click Here for the recipe.  

She also brought over her new little puppy, Susie Q.  Such a precious little puppy!!  It was hard to keep a 3-6 foot distance!

We took an afternoon walk at the college walking path.

We ran into our friends and their dog, Henly.

We heard some beautiful singing!  A brown thrasher was mimicking other birds.  A brown thrasher will repeat the melodic phrases twice, whereas a mocking bird will repeat their songs 3 - 7 times.

 When we got home, we prepared for our small group time.  We were going to have a lesson about the Passover via computer.

Sarah and Seth, who we met on the trail, also joined us, but I guess I didn't get a picture of them when they were with us.  Al shared what the Passover meal would have been like during the 1st century; how Christ and His disciples would probably have done it.  This is a feast that every Jew would go to Jerusalem for annually to remember the time when God rescued the Israelites from Egypt.  The angel of death passed over the families of the Israelites who covered their door posts with the lamb's blood.  

This feast was celebrated with family members.  This may have been the only time the disciples were not with their families at this feast.  Today, as Christians, we know that Christ, the Lamb of God, shed His blood for us and He has freed us.

John 1:29 
“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

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