Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Lego house

On our way home to Kansas from vacation on Dauphin Island, we stopped at our son's home.

Eli showed me his room.  He has a loft bed now.

"I built your home with Legos, Nana!"

This is Papa and me in the kitchen.

(here it is in real life below)

The hidden pantry.
With Emeri inside sneaking chocolates!
 (as she always does!)

The hearthroom


The livingroom with our bedroom in the corner

The grandchildren seem to think that Papa dresses into a Santa suit that we have hidden in the closet.

Not sure why they think this.  Hmmm.

Eli even made the basement!  

This took Eli lots of time and effort.  Isn't he creative?  Love it!!

Eli then had to show us his closet.  Ready for an invasion!

Then we peeked in at Emeri's room.  So pretty!

Then Josh showed us his project in the garage - Nice!

Another project he had was making a windchime for my birthday! 


Here it is after we got home and hung it up.

It makes such a beautiful sound!

Thank you, Josh!

As we got ready to leave their home, we saw 5 deer jump across the way.

We were so glad to make the out-of-the-way stop to see them! 

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