Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Camp Lundgren in Wisconsin

I haven't been to a camp for awhile but when Jill invited me to come to Camp Lundgren in Wisconsin with them for the Mother/Daughter retreat and mentioned that she was the speaker, I knew I had to go!   It took 2 days to drive there.  Generally, I go back roads, but I needed to get there fast this time, so took highways.  

The trees were turning beautiful!  Kansas trees had not started changing colors yet at that point.  

When I was passing 4 truckers on Hiway 80, this happened.  It was SO LOUD and I admit that I screamed!

Luckily, insurance covered the fix.

Claire had to show me her indoor sensory swing.

When Claire is out of sorts emotionally, this seems to have a calming effect.  The whole family, even Adam, can swing in it!   A good get-away one needs at times.

Hannah was at work and we went to pick her up.

How is it that I have a granddaughter old enough to drive?!

The girls had school the next day and I got to take Claire.

After school, we picked the girls up and headed for camp!

You know you are in Wisconsin with a street named Lombardi Ave!!

It was a 3 hour drive to camp.  To pass the time, we played games like "Would You Rather..."  Like "would you rather have a long neck like a giraffe or the nose of an elephant."  How we laughed!

This was our cabin for the weekend.

Not too rustic!  A nice shower and bathroom area and comfortable bedding.  Not like the campgrounds I remember!

Going to the session.

Session 1

Jill spoke about the source of joy from the book of Philippians.  Paul was chained to a Roman guard, so Jill used handcuffs as an introduction.  A mom and daughter volunteered to be handcuffed and then Jill pretended like she had left the key at home.  Claire piped up "I have it!"  Claire was so happy to be able to plan this trick.

What brought Paul joy?  Advancing the Gospel.  As woodcutters go ahead of an army and chop down trees to clear the way, likewise Paul's imprisonment cleared the way for the Gospel.  Think of all the books he wrote while imprisoned!  We love these letters he wrote!

Hannah missed out on the sessions but had her own with other teen workers who were helping serve.  Hannah was a dishwasher for us.

We were impressed with the kitchen!  
The food was good and they even had dairy free for Claire!
And gluten free for others.

Breakfast included MAF granola that came from Mission Aviation Fellowship. 
I remember eating this when we went to visit friends in Zaire years ago.

Session 2 by the lake

Jill asked for a volunteer and a young girl came forward.  Jill asked this little girl to move this bench.  She was not able.  Jill then called for more volunteers and all these girls came to help.

In a similar way, we need others to come alongside others in prayer and in other ways to help!  Paul's joy came in serving others.  Ask others how we can pray for them.  And if you need help, ask others for help.  Prayer is not the lesser work.  Refresh others and come alongside them!

We had time for some fun activities in the afternoon.  Archery, rifle range, painting.

Hannah was pretty awesome at it!  

Claire actually was a crack shot!  

Session 3 was going to be outside at the lake but it began to rain so it was in the chapel.  Jill spoke about humility.  In Paul's day, humility was not a virtue.  For today either in secular culture.  Yet Christ tells us to outdo one another in love.  To show honor to others.  

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourself."  Philippians 2:3

Christ showed ultimate humility by leaving the "palace" and coming to the "poor village" as a servant.  There were many young girls there so Jill used an illustration of a palace and King.  As Jill shared, I had to fight tears.  One day, EVERY knee will bow to the King of Kings!  (I have to brag - Jill is a great speaker!!  I'm not saying that just because I'm a mom either.)

An Aloha supper

Claire won the limbo!

Session 4

Sunday morning was supposed to be at the lake, but it was too wet.  This session Jill spoke about making our own ledgers to "prove" how "righteous" we are.  Reading the Bible every day, praying an hour a day, giving so much money, a Sunday school teacher....blah,blah, blah.  These aren't bad things, but they do not achieve for us a "righteousness".  Paul could beat the pharisees at the "righteous" game, but he says

"I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith."  Philippians 3:8-9

Here it is in The Message version:
The very credentials these people are waving around as something special, I’m tearing up and throwing out with the trash—along with everything else I used to take credit for. And why? Because of Christ. Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant—dog dung. I’ve dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ and be embraced by him. I didn’t want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ—God’s righteousness.

After the last session, we had lunch followed by a cook's parade.

Hannah had to do dishes (it took 2 hours), so we had some time to do some more things.

Time to leave for home.  Hannah drove until we got close to Green Bay.  She is doing a great job learning to drive!

We met Adam at a new restaurant called 11:11.

I tried a Mac n cheese burger.  It was interesting.  Not real bad, but I probably won't try it again.  I am so glad I came for this special time with the girls!

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