Saturday, November 7, 2020

A Saturday in Denver

We had a relaxing day.


"I am the vine; you are the branches.  Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me, you can do nothing."  John 15:5

Mindy and Jason took us to a farmer's market in downtown Denver.  We bought some corn on the cob and watermelon for this evening's dinner.

Doggy treats - because Denver people love their doggies!

Over and over and over again - Bear jumped in the water and went swimming after his blue ball.  I'm sure he misses the ocean and the canal that was by their apartment in San Francisco!  He is one water dog!!

Time to go home 

Allen and I have "poor man's" tv.  Al does not want to pay for tv - at all.  So we watched some HGTV and also an episode from "Say Yes to the Dress" that I had wanted to see for some time.

I had never heard of this show before, but last year, when my friend, Marilyn and I flew to California, we had a stop at the Denver airport.  Across from us was a young lady with a bag.  

We surmised it was a wedding dress in the bag (although the people next to us suggested it was a body).  Was this girl a bride?  But, where is the groom?  The guy next to her came later, and it was obvious they weren't together.  

Was she a jilted bride? 

The sister of the bride?

Or a bridesmaid taking the dress back after the wedding?

Marilyn had the gumption to go ask!  Soon, this girl crossed over to me and with a twinkle in her eye said, "What do you think?  Am I the bride or the bridesmaid?"

She told us her story about how she was on the show and had been at a photo shoot and was on her way home to Aspen.  

Mindy gave Al a haircut.

I guess that's one way to clean up hair!

In the evening, we ate out on the rooftop.

Jason's brother joined us.

Time for a rousing game of Clue back in the apartment.  Jason is very competetive, but this time Allen won!

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