Monday, January 11, 2021


 It is so sweet to have a tea party with my granddaughter and daughter!

Shortly after we had our tea party, our son and his family arrived, bearing gifts and luggage!

We chatted awhile, then excused ourselves for just a bit to attend a wedding reception at church for a young friend, Drew and his new bride.

I used to be his Sunday School teacher years ago! And he helped me with        DVBS (daily vacation Bible school) when he was older.

After a good visit and before going home, Al put on his Santa suit.  Every year, Santa shows up at the house to pass out stockings.  We decided Al would dress into the suit here and we'd go home and surprise the family.

Did anyone happen to see Santa driving I wonder?

When we got home, instead of surprising the family, they surprised Santa!  Someone must have snitched about our plan!

Santa went in and with some help, handed out all the Christmas stockings.

That was fun!  Do you know the real story of Santa?  Voice of the Martyrs had an article about him.  You can read it here.  "Santa" loved the Lord Jesus!  He would not be silenced about Him.

We always love filling stockings.  People have asked "What do you put in them?"  Here are some things we have done in the past years (each year they are different, except that we always put in a pair of socks and a chocolate Santa.):

Scissors, nail file, sharpie pens, nice flair or ink pen, colored pencils or crayons, teas, post-it notes, binder clips, cherry mash, highlighters, bandages, flyswatters, furikake (Japanese sprinkles to go on rice), book markers, candies, Kind bars, lip gloss, chapstick, slinky, bath toys, gum, hair ties, barretts, toothbrush, fast food gift card, nail polish, bath bombs, espresso beans, egg slicer, orange peeler, nuts, paper clips, shoe horn, jewelry, stationery, pocket knife.

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