Saturday, June 26, 2021

Good-bye baby - journeying home

 I set my alarm for 5.  That is 6 Kansas time, so not really early for me.  I wanted to have time to have my devotions, shower, strip the bed, and clean up the bathroom before loading up the car.  Asking the Lord's blessings and hand over us as we drove home.

And I was hopeful that Tenley would wake up so I could give last snuggles!  I had given Mindy kisses the night before.  Also Tenley, just in case she didn't wake up.  I was grateful that she did!  Jason brought her down and I was able to hold her for awhile before Ruth arrived and we had to leave.

We found a Starbucks and then headed out of town. 
Drinking coffee = pit stop.

Wait, what?   Is it or isn't it?

We stopped at Colby and split a meal.

Ruth wanted to see Monument Rocks so we headed south at Oakley.

It was HOT!  You can see that my arms are sunburned.  
We did put on sunscreen, but....

Too hot to go to New Jerusalem Badlands this day.  Another time.

We stopped at the museum 7 miles away on Highway 83 as I needed to use the restroom.  They had an outhouse.  See it?  Luckily, it wasn't smelly.  It was a two-holer!  One of the holes even had a cushioney toilet pad!  I've used many an out-house or even the side of the road when I grew up in southern Japan.  Once in Kenya, when I was squatting, I noticed huge lion paw prints in the dirt!

We followed this road along the prairie and then it suddenly dipped down and hidden in a canyon of sorts was this campsite. Lake Scott State Park.

There were a few campers at the lake.  I wanted to show Ruth these Indian ruins.

Boy, did I pick up some dust!

Close by the state park is -

It just looks like out of an old cowboy movie here. 

to be continued....

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