Thursday, October 21, 2021

Granddogs, family and friends

We have 4 granddogs.  We recently met our newest.

This is Sir Reginald Bartholomew Longbottom the Third.
Such a big name for a small dog.   Reggie for short.

He loves to carry around big sticks.

This is Reggie's older "brother", Jobi.
They belong to our son's family.

Besides meeting our new granddog, we went to Arkansas to see our granddaughter, Emeri perform in "The Big Bad Musical" at her school.

Emeri did a great job of acting!!  Her brother, Elijah, claims she wasn't acting...  that is just what she is like in real life. "A little disturbing" he says!

It was a GREAT show!!  Amazing talent!

We enjoyed the weekend with our son and his family.  We played lots of games.

Here you can see their "new" kitchen.  They had a water leak from their dishwasher and had to move out of their home for the summer while the kitchen was remodeled and new flooring put in.  Quite the ordeal, but they received a nice kitchen out of the ordeal.

In the picture below, we are playing Wise and Otherwise.
So MUCH fun!
You are given the beginning of an actual phrase from some country, and you all write out how you think the sentence should be completed.  
Then you hear what the real phrase is.
Like, "When we reach nineteen...."  or "Seventeen watermelons....".  
Then you vote and try to guess what the real phrase is.  It is often bizarre!

Some neighbor boys were driving their folks' golf carts rather crazy like and it didn't look like it would end up very good.  Staci went to give them a little talk.  Eli says the neighbor kids call her Safety Staci.  I think she probably prevented a major accident!  Good for her!

It was prom night and their neighbors had a bunch of kids over who were going to go to the prom in a limo!  What fun!

Things are coming along on Josh's back deck.  They are almost done finishing it.

Josh smoked some ribs for us.  How delicious!  Elijah and his buddy ate a TON!

The kids with both sets of grandparents.  (I told Emeri I used to braid my hair just like that when I was in highschool in the '70's!)

Playing Telestrations.  One of my favorite games!

Elijah and his awesome Lego build.

I love our family!
We include Staci's parents as family too!

Sunday service.  Josh on keys.

Do I have a 1/2 heart? 

Sorta, kinda, a not really relationship with God?  Maybe I call out "help me!" only when I'm in trouble?  Come into my life, sort of.  The sermon reminded me of the study I was working on for my Bible study.  "Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart."  Whole heartedly.  Not 1/2 heartedly.

On the way out of town, we were going to stop to see my uncle, but he was in the hospital and no visitors allowed.  So, instead we stopped in and surprised our friends, Randy and Nedra in their new home!  

We've known them since the 1980's as we went to church together when they lived in our town, in the "old days" when our children were little.  They work with CRU now, but instead of moving to Orlando with most of the workers, they ended up close to Josh's!

Here they are back in the days when we did Navigator 2:7 Bible study together.

We had such fun times with our families.

Friends and family, good gifts from God!!

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