Tuesday, October 12, 2021

In between trips - fall decorations, trials, Jeremy Camp, learning God's Word

After we got home from Colorado, we had 10 days before heading to Arkansas to visit our son's family.  It was a busy week and a half!

I helped with our Awana Cubbies.

We celebrated Al's birthday.  I got him one of his favorites - Mach kuchen or poppy seed roll.  

My husband loves this German food that his mother made for him.  This "Japanese" is not so fond of it, however!  Give me seaweed over poppy seed any day!

We got some uneasy news....we don't know what the future looks like.  
"Jesus said, 'Don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing.  Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things?  Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs!'"  Matthew 6:31-32

"Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord."  Psalm 27:14

I came across this song and I just love the lyrics:
    Though sometimes He leads through waters deep
    Trials fall across my way
    Tho' sometimes the path seems rough and steep
    See His footprints all the way.
        Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
            Sweetest Name I know!
        Fills my every longing
            Keeps me singing as I go.

I took a meal to a friend who is recovering from Covid and did some shopping for her.

I spent a day "at" a conference on-line.  I was just at home and sewed and ironed while watching.  Maranatha!  Come, Lord Jesus!  Come, Thy kingdom!

Our church has a ministry for women called "Legacy".  In the old days, it used to be Mom-to-Mom for young moms and once a month in the mornings.  But it has morphed over the years.  Now, I think we have it once a quarter in the evenings and it is for all women.  Not just women from our church.  It involves a meal and such encouragement!!  These leaders in charge go all out!  We get to meet women we have not met before,and those who are old friends.  It is so wonderful!!  

Guess who the guest speaker was??  My daughter, Jill!!  She did it long-distance!  She told me earlier that day that she had a cold.  We prayed and the Lord gave her the strength she needed!  Right up to the time she was "on", she was coughing and when she finished, she began to cough again, but during it, no one would have even guessed that she was not feeling up to par!  The Lord answered prayer!

She spoke on Matthew 14.  Jesus sent those disciples of His out on the boat - headed into a storm.  He knew they were going into that storm. Sometimes "storms" are a part of our life.  Often, maybe.  Yet Jesus comes to us in those storms.  Is my trial louder than Jesus?  Keep my eyes on Him.  Cry out to Him when I am in need.  He will reach out His hand and pick us up!  He is compassionate and He is powerful!

October rolled around and I decorated our home for fall.

I taught our young mom's Bible study.  These are such precious women!

Moms wear all kinds of "hats".  They put out fires, garden/weed/mow, make sure the kids get their siestas, they bake, take kids on adventures, keep kids on track, teach them manners (and have tea parties perhaps) and they "rope" their kids in.

My "older" friends and I sewed for Dress A Girl.

Our community life group from church went to a Jeremy Camp concert in Wichita.

The lead drummer, Toby Friesen, is the son of Steve and Bobbie, who are in our small group.  Toby was raised some in Japan, before his parents "retired" from missions there and Steve became one of the pastors at our church.  I also grew up in Japan, and Steve's sisters and I went to CAJ, a high school in Tokyo together.  In fact, one of the sisters was a room-mate of mine for one semester!

And then between all that, we packed and got ready for our next trip!

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