Monday, December 6, 2021

A drive along 210 in Missouri

How does one choose which home to go to for Thanksgiving?  None of our children were going to be coming to Kansas but we could go to one of their homes.   But our three children all live in different states. 

Although I had just come back from Wisconsin, Allen hadn't been there since May.  We had recently seen the other two children, so it was decided that we'd go up north.  I was home for only 2 weeks and then on the road again, back to Wisconsin.

We had to stop in Hillsboro for some of Dale's sausage to take to the kids!  We love a drive through the Flint Hills of Kansas!!  I know this looks flat, but it isn't.  

And who doesn't love seeing old schoolhouses!!??

Redneck luxury porta-potties??  Ok, they are actually blinds for hunters.

We decided to take 210 east of Kansas City (in order to take a road we'd never traveled before - which is what we always try to do!).

It was sort of out in the country, but for a while, lots and lots and lots of buildings north of the road belonging to FedEx.

Missouri City. population 267.  Why is it called Missouri "City"?  Shouldn't it be Missouri Village?

The Missouri River

In highschool, I nearly flunked history.  I found it so very boring!  No longer!  I think reading historical fiction from our church library gave me such a love and interest for it!  And I love to read about my family genealogy.  God has placed each of us in a particular time in history.   
Acts 17:26-27 says "From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us.

"Camped near the lower point of an Island on the L [left] Side, party in high spirits.   The Countrey on each Side of the river is fine interspersed with Praries, in which immence herds of Deer is Seen, on the banks of the river we observe numbers of Deer watering and feeding on the young willow. Several Killed to day." William Clark, June 24, 1804    

He also observed "great quantities of Bear Sign".   He speaks of spending two hours jerking the meat so it would not spoil.  During the month of June, they killed 77 deer and 14 bears!

When you travel  back roads, you get to see farmers at work.   My husband, who grew up on a farm, loves to observe farms!  It often leads him to telling me a story from his years growing up.

Pecan capital of Missouri - Brunswick

We stopped at this little pecan shop in the country.

They told us about their operation.

Could not resist the chocolate covered pecans!!

Pecan groves

The house below almost looks like a plantation.  I called the Moberly chamber of commerce and the lady said it was just a private home and she didn't know of any historical significance.  Moberly became a town in 1866, after the war.  This looks to be from that period.   The city was called the Magic City because it grew so quickly.

This also is just a private home, not a country club, like I thought.

Small duplexes?  Motel?

We "flew" by Paris.  Oo-la-la!

We came upon Mark Twain State Park where there are Missouri pelicans!

We took a quick jaunt into the park. 

The house where Mark Twain grew up is enshrined inside but it was closed.

Al always keeps his eyes peeled for deer.

There they are!

We went south at Highway 19 and caught 154 to 54 into Illinois.

It was dark by the time we got to Pittsfield, where we were going to spend the night.  What a fun day of adventure!

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