Monday, December 20, 2021

Unexpected tragedy

We were packed and ready to go before the grandchildren woke up.  Allen was anxious to get home as he had work the next day.  This meant we would not be taking a scenic route home.

There are always pretty barns and other scenery to see on the fastest route too.

Being Sunday, we were not able to go to church, but we watched on-line services from the kids' church and our church also.

While still in Wisconsin we saw cars from California, Nebraska, Arkansas, Colorado, Michigan.  No other cars from Kansas, however.  The traffic was rather busy!

Sometime when we go through Dubuque, I want to drive up to the ridge to see these houses up close.

At Cedar Rapids we took business 151 through town and realized we lost time doing that.  Note to self:  Next time, if we choose to take 30 west, we will take 100 through town.

They are making 30 west a 4 lane looks like.  Some of it is already.

There was quite a bit of tornado damage from another year.  My granddaughter and I were headed to Wisconsin when this storm hit!  God protected us for sure!

Between DesMoines and KC, I counted 16 vehicles pass me that were from Minnesota.  Weren't they going the wrong way?  Wonder why they were headed south?  I also counted 3 cop cars that had pulled people over.  A couple that had passed us.  Cars were flying this day!

It was at dusk, 20 miles north of Emporia that Al suddenly slammed on his brakes.  Debris was flying around us!  He swerved to miss it and came to a stop along with other traffic.  Our hearts were in our throats as we saw this vehicle that had rolled around 7 times.  Al jumped out to help and ran over.  A trucker pulled his tractor trailer sideways so traffic could not go by.  911 was called.

A toddler was pulled from a car seat in the back seat and a young mother who had stopped to help held her and comforted her.  She did not appear to be injured. 

A different situation for her parents.  I was crying as I heard their cries.  How I prayed over them!   Another lady who had parked in front of us had got down to pray with the young mother in the car.  The couple could not be moved.  It seemed forever for police, ambulances to arrive.  We felt so helpless!  Several of us did walk up and down the grassy area, recovering a purse, diaper bag, a couple of phones, some cash....

As the sun was setting, it was getting colder.  I had a blanket in the back seat and covered the young mom holding the toddler.

They had to use jaws of life to get the couple out.  Traffic was stopped in both ways and I got to thinking that there were others in their cars knowing that something horrific had happened who were most likely praying also, interceding for this couple's lives!  

Just think of all those prayers being offered up!  Two LifeWatch helicopters came to take the couple to 2 different hospitals.

We were there about 2 hours.  Surely the traffic behind us had been diverted at the past intersection.  

When we were finally able to leave, we got off at the next intersection.  We needed to use the restroom and we grabbed a bite to eat since we still had a couple hours before we'd get home.  So much for getting home when we thought.   Sometimes our plans don't work the way we think.  Surely not for this couple.

As we prayed, Al could not complete the prayer as he choked up.  I cried too as I finished praying.  "How do you do this at the hospital each day without breaking apart?" I asked him. He says he has a task to do and he just does it.  But this evening, he could not really do much at all.  

But Pray!  And prayer WILL accomplish much!!  God hears our prayers!  His ways are far greater than ours.

I have this verse on my bedroom wall where I sit to pray each morning.  I love it!

I have since found out this couple's names, reading the news.  However, I do not know if they lived, or are paralyzed, or are they out of the hospital and going to celebrate Christmas in a new way - seeing His mercy in restoring their health.  I do not know.  I know I continue to pray for them.  May this situation bring them close to You!  I do know there are others who are praying as well; my Bible study friends.  I'm sure the Spirit brings them to mind to those who were backed up in traffic that day as well.

We never know what a day will bring.  Are we each ready for that day when the Lord will call our name?  

We need not fear death.  He is reaching out for you.  Calling you.

Take His hand that He offers!  

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved."  Acts 16:31  

I love this view of death by Anne Graham Lotz! 
(click the word "view")

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