Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Pretty Prairie Rodeo

We look forward to going "home" to the rodeo every year.  The biggest night rodeo in Kansas is held in Al's hometown.  The rodeo began in 1936 and Pretty Prairie, population of about 600 will draw 15,000 people over the 4 day period.  I thought I would miss it this year since I was in Colorado, but lucky for me, it was this week, not last!   We took our friends, Lynn and Loren.

Al's brother and sister were helping with concessions.  After finding good seats, the guys went to get some burgers and drinks.

The rodeo opened with a word of prayer which was so very touching.  We are living in troubled times politically and morally, and it is good to look to the Father and be grounded in His care!

A group of Pretty Prairie highschoolers sang the Star Spangled Banner.  They were great!  And later we sang God Bless America.  

God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam 
God bless America, my home sweet home, 
God bless America, my home sweet home

We like to sit on the east side.  The sun is in our eyes for awhile, but we are up closer to the action!  Unfortunately, we should have sat up a couple rows higher as the bar was in the way of taking pictures.

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
          I will counsel you and watch over you.
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
            which have no understand
     but must be controlled by bit and bridle."    Psalm 32:8,9

Look at these Clydesdale horses....and the baby Clydesdale!  I've never seen a baby before!!  Too cute!

Clowns sumo wrestling.

Mutton busting was so fun to watch!  The winner, a girl who had never ridden a sheep before, won a pair of cowboy boots!

My favorite is the bull riding! 

 Afterwards, they let a bull take a run at the clowns.

This happened so fast I didn't have time to focus.

A couple of the clowns and cowboys had to climb the fence to get away from the bull!  They had to be alert and on guard!  Spirituallly, we also need to be on guard, don't we, against the evil one?
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." 
1 Corinthians 16:13

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Getting a baby fix!

It's been a long time since there was a baby in the family.  I'm always up for a baby fix!!

It had been 9 years since our last grandchild was a baby.  And our oldest is now 16.



Sophia and Emeri

Hannah, who made me a Nana first.

Jason needed to travel for work so I was invited out to help Mindy while he was gone.  Jason called every day to talk to Tenley.  Sometimes she was not awake, but he needed to see her at any rate.  He just loves his girls!

Mindy is such a good mommy!

We went for walks.

My style of home.  I could live here.  Where do we live when we downsize?  Colorado?  Wisconsin?  Arkansas?  Pretty Prairie?  Stay where we are?  Well, we won't worry about it yet.  The Lord will guide us when the time comes.

We won't be living in a K-State house though.

Each morning while Mindy slept a little longer, I cuddled and loved on Tenley.  I sang her sweet little songs.  I love this "Nursery Songbook" for children by Katherine Royer/Norma Hostetler put out by Gospel Publishers, first published in 1935!  

Sing little children, sing, sing,
Sing little children sing.
God is good, He cares for you.
Sing little children, sing.

                Love one another, love one another,
                This is the happy way,
                Love one another.
                    vs. 2 Help one another
                    vs. 3 Share with one another

Sweet little songs to teach children about loving Jesus and living for Him.  I sing these to the little children at church.  My grandchildren knew all these songs and would sing them in the car with the CD.

I purchased this book for Mindy.  I used it to pray for each of my children and now for my grandchildren!  It is now reprinted for it's 20th anniversary.  The BEST gift for any young parent!

Jason came back a day early.  His brother, Brandon, from Lawrence, also flew out and the 3 brothers enjoyed being together to celebrate Cameron's birthday.

Mindy and I decided to go shopping.  

An adorable place!

Too soon, it was time to fly home.

But not for long!  I'll be back!!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Flight to Colorado

I love to drive places.  Flying used to be fun, but nowadays, not so much.  Recently I told Mindy to call me if she ever wanted me to come to help her.  Jason was headed out on a business trip and she said she would love for me to come and furthermore, they would fly me out!  

Allen dropped me off at the airport.

Not used to wearing masks anymore.  But to fly, I had to wear. one...for hours.  Ugh.  

I had read in my devotions this morning the following verse, so, I decided not to complain, but be gracious.

"Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity.  Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, that you will know how you should respond to each person."  Colossians 4:5-6

Salt does no good sitting in the saltshaker.  You have to shake it out for it to be effective.  Lord, help me to shake out Your kindness, mercy and goodness!

Mindy sent me a picture of Tenley.  "She is waiting for Nana" Mindy wrote.

Good-bye, Wichita!

Flying over Lake Cheney!

Flying over the church we were married in and plan to be buried at.  I wished I had my good camera, instead of just my phone camera.

Flying over Pretty Prairie!  This is where we graduated from highschool.  Al lived 3 miles south and east.  If I'd been sitting on the other side of the plane, I would have seen it!

A couple behind me wondered what town this was so I turned around and told them.  They said, "Oh, we got our puppy from there.  A Graber couple."  I laughed and told them that I was a Graber and the lady they adopted their puppy from was someone I knew and even used to babysit!"

I wondered what this was.  I found out that it is a dry lake, north of Garden City.

Made it to Denver!

I was literally the last person off the plane.  I prefer not to be pressured by people behind me to hurry off the plane.  And there are always those having to run for connecting flights.  I feel we need to give them the courtesy to get off first if possible.

Mindy gave me specific directions on where to meet her.  I was so thankful for her to do that!  She picked me up and instead of sitting in the front with her, I had to crawl in the backseat to sit with my precious granddaughter!

My sweet girls!

I had to take this picture to show Al that Tenley had grown into her skin!

See the difference from the last time we were out?
She's put on a couple of pounds.  Thank You, Lord!

Oh it will be a sweet week!