Monday, July 19, 2021

Flight to Colorado

I love to drive places.  Flying used to be fun, but nowadays, not so much.  Recently I told Mindy to call me if she ever wanted me to come to help her.  Jason was headed out on a business trip and she said she would love for me to come and furthermore, they would fly me out!  

Allen dropped me off at the airport.

Not used to wearing masks anymore.  But to fly, I had to wear. one...for hours.  Ugh.  

I had read in my devotions this morning the following verse, so, I decided not to complain, but be gracious.

"Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity.  Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, that you will know how you should respond to each person."  Colossians 4:5-6

Salt does no good sitting in the saltshaker.  You have to shake it out for it to be effective.  Lord, help me to shake out Your kindness, mercy and goodness!

Mindy sent me a picture of Tenley.  "She is waiting for Nana" Mindy wrote.

Good-bye, Wichita!

Flying over Lake Cheney!

Flying over the church we were married in and plan to be buried at.  I wished I had my good camera, instead of just my phone camera.

Flying over Pretty Prairie!  This is where we graduated from highschool.  Al lived 3 miles south and east.  If I'd been sitting on the other side of the plane, I would have seen it!

A couple behind me wondered what town this was so I turned around and told them.  They said, "Oh, we got our puppy from there.  A Graber couple."  I laughed and told them that I was a Graber and the lady they adopted their puppy from was someone I knew and even used to babysit!"

I wondered what this was.  I found out that it is a dry lake, north of Garden City.

Made it to Denver!

I was literally the last person off the plane.  I prefer not to be pressured by people behind me to hurry off the plane.  And there are always those having to run for connecting flights.  I feel we need to give them the courtesy to get off first if possible.

Mindy gave me specific directions on where to meet her.  I was so thankful for her to do that!  She picked me up and instead of sitting in the front with her, I had to crawl in the backseat to sit with my precious granddaughter!

My sweet girls!

I had to take this picture to show Al that Tenley had grown into her skin!

See the difference from the last time we were out?
She's put on a couple of pounds.  Thank You, Lord!

Oh it will be a sweet week!

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