Thursday, March 24, 2022

First visit to the Denver Zoo; Sam's Diner

Good morning, Little One!

We will have a full day!

I heard my Ring go off.  Today was a day that workers were coming to the house to fix a cracked pipe.  We had some water come into our basement, but luckily it was only the unfinished storage area.

I was able to watch them live through my Ring viewer.  Al also sent pictures of what was happening.  They had to dig out a few bushes in order to reach the pipe.  That's ok.  Al was wanting to re-do the landscaping anyway.  

In the afternoon, we went to the ...

Tenley's first visit!

The lions were gazing at the hyena next to them.  Later on, we heard their roars.  I have heard that you can hear a lion's roar 5 miles away!

Tenley enjoyed watching the penguins swim back and forth!

The howling monkeys scared Tenley!!
Poor dear!

But she really enjoyed the seals!

On the way back to their home, I enjoyed looking at these sweet homes!  I love this style of architecture!  These would make a nice dawdi haus (Grandma house)!

That evening, we went out to eat to a place called Sam's.  What an interesting place!  It has been featured on the Food Network.

Some time back, Mindy introduced me to having an egg on your burger.  It is really good!  

How does one eat this???  My mouth is not big enough! (No comments on how big my mouth really is!!  Ha!!) I ended up having to cut it up with a knife and then took half of it back to the house for another meal.

It was a fun day!

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