Saturday, April 30, 2022

Arkansas to help

On Friday, we drove in 2 vehicles to Arkansas as Al needed to back to work following Staci's surgery.  I would stay on for a few days to help out.

I followed the GPS and it took us on a little adventure!  
I got a text from Al "Where are you going??"
I LOVED it when it took us on a dirt road! 

Our son had won the Graber basketball Bracket Challenge for March Madness.  

Proudly showing off the trophy on the mantel!

Our granddaughter was in a musical called Freaky Friday.   It is the story of a mother and her teenage daughter who mysteriously switch bodies, and experience life from the other's perspective.

Emeri played the role of a food magazine journalist.  

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - To Kill a Mockingbird

The director of the play, Kimberly DeJarnatt, wrote "The Bible gives us a similar message in numerous verses--reminding us all to be quick to live lives full of grace, mercy, and compassion.  One such verse is found in Ephesians 4:32 'Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.'"

On Saturday, we helped with several household chores, like cleaning windows, bathrooms....

In the evening, Staci went swimming in their endless exercize pool.  After surgery, she would not be able to swim for 6 weeks.

Josh needed a hair cut.

So did Reggie.

On Sunday we went to church.

Between the two services, elders, staff and friends joined together to pray over Staci.  Father, Your will for her; Your hand of healing if You would.  Even if the worse were to happen, Staci and Josh had a peace and quietness in their souls that it would be for God's glory.

It was a sweet time, and brings me to tears even recalling it.

After an afternoon rest, Josh and Staci went for a walk and then out on a date.

Emeri had her last musical performance followed by going out with the cast.  We took Eli out to eat.

"The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations."   Psalm 33:11

"My soul finds rest in God alone!"  Psalm 62:1

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