Monday, April 11, 2022

Back to Colorado

 At the end of March, we drove back to Colorado.

It was a SUPER windy day!  We saw trucks struggling to keep from tipping.  We made sure to zip around them fast lest they fall on us!

There is a folklore that the start of March comes in like a lion with roaring winds.  But it is supposed to end with good weather, gentle, like a lamb.  I heard a theory about these symbolic animals; that Jesus' first appearance was as the sacrificial lamb, but He will return as the Lion of Judah!  

In reality, this year almost all of March in Kansas was pretty much a growling, windy "lion" kind of month!

Our Wisconsin kids had flown out to Colorado the day before and the day we were traveling, they had visited Adventures in Odyssey at Focus on the Family and recorded a "show".

They also did some sight-seeing.

We were excited to spend a few days with both of our daughters and their families!

I enjoy the drive out to Colorado.  

I love this kind of scenery!  Kind of looks like John Wayne movie sets.

We were so excited to get to Denver and see Tenley.  She was rather shy; not so anxious to see us.  "Stranger danger".  She has no idea how much we love her!  We just aren't able to see her regularly like some grandparents are.  Stinks living hours away.

I had to think how many people have this "stranger danger" with God.  Our Heavenly Father LOVES us SOOOOOO much and desires to draw near, but people think negatively about Him; don't want anything to do with Him.  Or fear Him.  But He desires relationship with us!  I would love to scoop Tenley up and play with her, but she always makes sure daddy or mommy are near by.  She doesn't really want us to hold her just yet.  Hopefully, this will pass.  She looks so happy in this picture!

(We think that toy by her foot looks like a "corona virus" toy!)   

Would she warm up to us during our time in Colorado?

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