Thursday, May 26, 2022

28 days

The past month has flown by.  

Easter Sunday:

Christ died for us, but He was also RAISED for us!  It is the power of God that restores us.  The ALIVE Christ!  That we might live a new life!  

"Because of His great love for us, God...made us alive with Christ."               Ephesians 2:4-5

 Along with the sermon there were several baptisms.  Jesus changes lives!!  He is a Transformer!!

That evening, our small group, along with another couple, went to the Manor to sing and lead worship for the residents.

Steve gave the message. 

He shared a message about a time when he was in Japan.  They went to visit this family.  The husband was a calligrapher and had this "kanji" written out and put on a wall.   "Ikoi"

It means "rest".  It is made up of 2 parts - breathe plus smoothness.  To breathe smoothly = rest.  Isn't that beautiful?

The daughter remarked that their house did not have this rest, so it was rather ironic to have this kanji up on the wall.  But later, she gave her life to Christ and then the parents also did.  Because of Jesus in their life, their home now has this rest!

"Truly my soul finds rest in God,
      my salvation comes from Him.
Truly He is my Rock and my Salvation.
He is my Fortress.
     I will never be shaken."
                     Psalm 62:1-2


My friend, Tarenda, said she would help me with landscaping!  We had had to pull out some bushes when we had a water leak.  My bushes were aging, overgrown, and needed pulling anyway.  Tareda and I went to a nursery and found just what appealed to me and she helped me with planting!

I could not find the nandina I wanted anywhere locally or in Wichita, so I ordered it on-line.  I was a little worried about it.  How would it be when transported?

But when it came, I was thrilled!  It was beautiful!

I love seeing new flowers spring up!

Car show:

We drove Grandma's flivver to Pretty Prairie to the car show.  What fun to talk with "old" friends from our school days here!

Sky watching:

Did you see the clouds in the pictures above?  Those were storms over the Wichita area that produced the tornado that ripped through Andover.  Our friend took this picture when they were shopping in Wichita.

I LOVE cloud/sky watching!!  
"Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory!"  Mark 13:26
Keep looking up!  He is coming - maybe soon!!

End of year:

We finished up our children's Awana Cubbies year.  I sure will miss these kiddos!

And our team!

Bible studies came to an end.   Here is my young mom's group.  Some were gone due to schedules.  Likewise, I was not able to attend the end-of-year-party of my peer group Bible study that finished yesterday as I was traveling.  How I LOVE these Bible studies and these sisters-in-Christ who are such a treasure to me!!  Already praying and looking forward to next fall!!

Family "rebellion" (reunion):

It has been a long time since we were all able to get together!  We found a day and what joy to laugh and eat, both of which we are very good at!!

Book Review:

I went to hear 92 year old Mildred Schindler Janzen speak about escaping the Nazi's, then the Russians.  What is happening in Ukraine brings back many memories for her.

Allen's cousins were there also!

Lastly, graduations:

I attended a couple of parties for friends' children.  

What a busy, but wonderful 28 days.  

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