Monday, May 9, 2022

The road home, Fayetteville to Bartlesville

Staci was slowly recovering from her surgery.  Lots of people were bringing her meals.  It was time for me to go back home to Kansas.

The day started out cloudy with a few rain showers. 

I was going to go home with a stop in Bartlesville, Oklahoma to visit some retired missionaries to Japan.  I went to school with their children in Tokyo.  Most people would probably have gone there via Tulsa, but I like a road less traveled, seeing places I have never been before!  Adventure, you know.  And yes, it was quite a curvy stretch of highway, just like the map showed.

This guy was painting a church sign.

This was unusual.  A fence post made from ironing boards; 2 knights in shining armor, and some bicycles in the trees.

I pulled in at Jay.

I decided to visit the museum.

I have some of that Frankoma pottery!
You can read about its history here.

A lady in town donated her doll collection.  

The Tiny Tears doll I have been wanting is there on the shelf.
But this is a museum, not a store.   Alas.

I arrived in Bartlesville and found the Perkins' home.  They are in their 90's but still live alone.  Their daughter lives close by.  

The first thing on the agenda was a visit to their church for communion, as it was Good Friday.

The Perkin's prayed in Japanese.  So sweet.

What a wonderful time of fellowship we had, talking about all the people we knew in common!   Mrs. Perkins had fixed a delicious lunch!

I didn't know this couple when we lived in Japan, but knew their son.  When I found out that his parents lived fairly close to me, I knew I needed to visit and make their acquaintance!  What a wonderful time we had.  We could have talked for hours!!  But by 3:00 I needed to continue on home.

Journey home to be continued... 

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